“Apart from education, you need good health, and for that you need sports” We all know the importance of sports and physical activities for our heath and mental abilities, but do we ask ourselves what is the place of sports and physical activities in education? In reality sports are part of the educational system and it shouldn't be separated, because when we talk about the definition of educational system it's the development of mental, emotional and physical sides of students, and sports play a big role in developing all three. Sports offer inclusiveness of the student in a society where he interact with people from different parts of the society. It also offer students a level of competitiveness then he'll get trying to improve his self and try to be a better person, It really develop skills that aren't found in classroom normally, where it also improve his academic learning by changing his behavior positively. If we want to talk about education we can't distinguish between classroom versus sports they're all in one package. Our world is all changing and life in the years coming will definitely be different, then we should work in student's prior skills and abilities needed in the future, we should prepare them for the future, a lot of skills we are teaching them now aren't needed in future and are useless. Examples of skills needed in the future; traits, in a world developing rapidly students should learn what things distinguish them from others, creative thinking, critical thinking, problem solving and definitely the most important one would be inclusiveness; which is the ability to be inclusive the way you think and the way you interact with people. As the world become more and more as a global village or more than this it's like a global hut, where we're all interacting, interconnecting from different parts of the world, it's going to be essential for us to be able to have an open frame of mind, to understand people from different parts of the world, recognize and appreciate differences and benefit out of them and at the same time recognize similarities, it's also critical develop our self identity. When talking about creative thinking ability, let us define creativity in education, which isn't about using technology as a lot of people think, it's about applying knowledge, providing foundation, it's how to apply knowledge in real life, career, in solving problems,interacting with individuals, in being part of a community, that's what creativity is all about.

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